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You’re not even safe at work from cyber Trollls


“Actors and fans defend 'Cosby Show' actor after articles job-shame him for working at Trader Joe's”

So this one hit me a bit hard. Apparently this gentleman who had a predominant role on a sitcom 30 or so years ago is trying to pay his bills.
Some asshole snapped a picture of him at work and of course because of our cyber gang mentality it went completely viral. 

First of actors don’t get paid what  I think people think they get paid. I guess I don’t even really know what actors get paid,  but it’s not unreasonable, that a bunch of years after you were in ONE sitcom that you would need to go find a job.   While it’s a much better system for men (much) The entertainment industry isn’t kind to folks advanced years, and by advanced years I mean over 30. It’s got to be double tough for a African-American of the same age bracket.

But we don’t even know why he’s working there?

This could be a part-time job for him. He could have any job including working behind the scenes in the entertainment industry.  times are tough and  maybe he’s saving for something or needs to pay for something that he can’t afford, or doesn’t want to use his family’s money for. 

And let’s not forget about what show he was on in whose name was on that show him probably hard for anyone who was a member that cast to get a job right now. Literally anywhere not just in entertainment anywhere. You’re basically hiring a conversation that has a lot to unpack. And whether you’re hiring him as a submarine pilot or a grocery store clerk people are going to talk and the starting point the conversation is very ugly. What cause we did unfortunately has nothing to do with this gentleman but he was supporting character in a program the had a Monster’s name, In some peoples eyes he will forever be associated with that monster.

Did you really fall so far? Is the supermarket really the vocational equivalent to death?

*We interrupt this blog for a few things you may not know about supermarkets and working there. *

I have friends that work for Trader Joe’s it’s incredible company. I’m told they treat their staff really well and they take really great care of you. 

My brother and sister-in-law support their family and have incredible home. They both work in a grocery store. 

I know a guy who bought his car in cash after working in a grocery store meat department for a spring and summer.

Most grocery stores are union and they pay better than some entry office management jobs. 
*End Of PSA*

So let’s just say the average Joe doesn’t know very much about grocery stores, Or the entertainment industry for that matter. 

But why would you shame someone for having a job? Maybe the person working there just need some money. Maybe the person working there has a career in something they love but the infrastructure changed and it’s hard to make any money at it? Maybe the person is waiting for another opportunity in arts that didn’t lineup right away? 

Maybe that person is someone like me. 

For those of you who don’t know I recently ended my battle with cancer. As of right now I’m on top but I guess you don’t really know for five years.  After the stress of that I decided that I couldn’t go back to my big soul sucking corporate job. There had been a. I was on disability and The time and distance illuminated just how bad that job was for my mental and physical well-being. My physician flat out said that the daily grind maybe as detrimental to my long-term well-being as the cancer was the cancer was. So I left. I had another job that went Pare shaped needed to find a job quickly. I have a series of things coming that would generate a little bit of money but nothing that would be happening in the next few weeks so I went and got a job at the supermarket down the street.

The reason I’m telling you the story isn’t because anyone shamed me. I’m telling you because I shamed me!!! I was feeling so pathetic and so guilty that I was a cashier at a grocery store that I was coming home and throwing up at night. I don’t really sleep so I can’t blame it on loss of sleep but I was definitely lying in bed feeling sorry for myself when I saw this article. I Realize that I thought the same thing the trolls thought. 
Over the last few days I’ve seen many neighbors and relatives and was so concerned with what they thought. What were they saying about me over dinner where they making fun of me? They have stupid nicknames about me? 

This made me incredibly depressed

“ i’m a giant fat loser”


“ in real life I am Dynamo God Dam Marz” 


“I blew it”

I know I needed a job in between gigs. I know there’s no shame in paying your light bill. But I was sad beyond reason.

Then I saw this article and before I even read it in my head I started to defend him I started to realize that there are million reasons he may work there not the least of which is that it could be very well paying and he enjoys it. It didn’t take long for me to suss out that I was doing to myself what they were doing to this poor Guy. Now be honest I don’t really like this part time job in fact I fucking hate it. But will it’ll keep me till the job I want to have lines up (which could be any day now) 

An interesting thing about my sadness and depression (which by the way are two different distinct things) is sometimes it takes me getting angry to realize that I’m in the Mire. 

this article got me angry. And I was able to take a step back and realize that sometimes I can be a worst bully then all the bullies. 

Now imagine if I already felt this way and anyone cared enough about my failure for the situation go viral. It would destroy me wreck me kill me. What these people have to realize that don’t think there’s a problem or think people should put on their tough kid pants is that life is really hard and sometimes you’re balancing on a penny and all that’s between you and a abyss of devastation and self loathing is a kind word. What would a mean word do? How about hundreds of mean words? how about thousands? The cyber gang mentality turns a group of people into emotional shredder. I can literally tear a strong person to shreds someone who’s not in a good place it can destroy them. No hyperbole fucking destroy them. 

It’s incredible that all these people came to his defense online. I love it when the System works And the natural anti-bodies rush in to try to eliminate some of these infectious cells. It’s really great. But they shouldn’t have to. 

We Will never get rid of bullies or mean people but maybe someday will have shown such a bright light  that it’s undeniable that there’s a problem. They are more of us then there are of them but a portion of us think this is either normal or healthy. That bad people are a line good people need to cross to become great people. 

The grocery store clerks, actors lawyers, professional monster hunters. Everybody’s just doing a job everybody just wants to get paid. Some jobs are creatively and personally more fulfilling, but they’re all just jobs. Don’t be mean.

Do you have a story to tell? I don’t have to post it but I would love to so please enclose somewhere in the body that you’d like me to put it on the blog!


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