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It’s Important to smile when you’re saving the world ...

I see a lot of you are dissing the way Ms. Larson acted in the “Captain Marvel Trailer”.
As some one who has almost every book The character has ever been in, As some one who’s actually a big fan.  If She looks like intense, grumpy, or not especially friendly Carol.. well that’s  Danvers to me. It’s amazing that is soon as a character is a little different (starFire’s not orange ECT ECt) we flip our  collective lids but if someone  acts the way the character supposed tooo.. now we flip our lids too? Also you don’t have to read comics to see these films, it’s not essential, and I’ve come to grips a long time ago that  Wile  marvel is better than DC they’re not for comic fans, buuut you should probably know something about the character if you’re going to complain about the accuracy of the Presentation of the character. Just saying.. ok? 


Thank you for  irritating me enough that I broke my not watching a trailer  Rule to see what you  were complaining about... jerks. 

Ps ps 

If your gonna come at me and say “the trailer didn’t look good, And that’s what I’m complaining about”. That’s totally fine I’m not talking about you. You don’t have to like it. But also I think all trailer suck now so getting upset over how a  trailer locks or judging a film by it is prett short sighted. But if ya don’t like it ya don’t like it.

Ps PsX2

No one ever told Chris Evans to smile.  Or any of the Avengers with boy parts.  Find me one big giant ear to ear grin in  The entire infinity wars trailer...  or Civil War .. or in any of them.
 But because the woman isn’t smiling you think you get some semblance of control over presentation.  You don’t want her to be a hero or warrior you want her to be a sex object  and non-threatening to your submissive compliance rules you believe women in fiction should have.  I’m not tracked I see right through your shallow complaints you can’t hide for me trolls.

#iseeyoutrolls #youcanthide 
