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“ No one beats him at his game For very long but just the same…”


It ain’t my business how do you spend your money.. it’s not my right to tell you what to think about any current political situation race color or creed. 

but it is my right to not support your endeavors.

your words and actions have consequences. You label things cancel culture because you want to have your cake and eat it too.

this is consequence culture.

The free market at work. 

if you care and are curious my decision in wake of allegations of animal cruelty and forcing his workers to return during a lockdown. Continued opinions presented as facts. And the tweet “ pronouns suck”

Doctor Troll Hunter 

#thegreatdeactivation #freemarket #twitterdeactivation #deactivated #turnofftwitter #consequenceculture #supervillains #Rentnotrockets


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