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“the Wendy Theory”


“ The Wendy theory” is the grossest thing that has slithered out of the Internet a long time. 

“ there are no ghosts. Wendy is hurting her son. “

I always thought that the “ Daniel was the villain” was is a bit creepy, but this is Fanfiction blaming the victim disguised as film theory. 

“Jack’s a good guy Wendy is crazy” 

It’s become A very popular topic … ya know just like all the videos about women ruining Star Wars and marvel being too woke. 

The whole theory is mostly based on continuity issues that “Kubrick wouldn’t make”

you’ve probably never actually seen one of his movies if you think that.

The worst part is even if the theory wasn’t gross it’s secondary evidence predicated on stuff we don’t see. 

I could write about this for five hours but man is it gross.

let’s not forget about the fact that the source material is decidedly a ghost story.

Let me just lay this out there

Johnny was being a dick ( he was a shitty boyfriend and a better boy came along and she picked a better boy. People don’t own other people. Jack is the monster. He’s gone mad and the haunted house Claims him.


Now shut up

Doctor Troll Hunter
