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Corporate bullying?

 On this blog I mostly committed to the war on cyber bullying and harassment, But as stated in my mission statement  this is an on compassing anti-bullying crusade .

 The link above is an article about company where is the car seven antibiotic  400%.  Putting aside his asinine response of it being a moral responsibility,  I thought struck me... Is this bullying?

 So the first responses is  “it’s his company he makes the rules he can set the prices inside the federal guidelines”,  So basically his money his power he makes the rules .
I’m a 5’10 200 pound former professional wrestler with a bit of a judo back background.  I’m not very big or tough guy but I certainly hold power over someone smaller who’s less experienced and physical  altercation than me.  Even though it’s  cloaked  under the guidelines of business, in my opinion it’s basically might makes right.  Am I crazy? Is this The corporate version of bending someone’s arm till they give you them lunch money? It’s nuts, And let’s be clear this is not cable TV cell phones, cars or even houses OR shelter and food.  This is medicin!

My girlfriend is a  breast cancer survivor who also has a rare hormonal epilepsy without her medicines she could die. That’s not a choice or lifestyle decision thats basic human need, that’s survival.

 And if it is pulling how do we regulate this ?  It’s hard to imagine the government getting involved in anything that possibly make them money.  I’m also terrified of opening Pandora’s box of giving the government even more power over how long someone runs the company any aspect of their lives.
 I honestly don’t see a basic resolution but it did occur to me that at its most fundamental flaw this is definitely bully if you have something in your charging more money than almost anyone can afford .. that’s an old cunt strong arm tactics  dressed as open market. And maybe Bohleen isn’t the right word someone smarter and more eloquent than me will probably very quickly correct me and tell me exact definition of this but I’m sure there are people out there whose lives are affected by these companies that have basically out priced them of their health.  I’m sure those people feel like they’re being bullied.


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