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Showing posts from 2018


Dear nerds, Life is not Burger King you don’t get everything your way. What a Normal well adjusted human being would say “ I’m very excited that Warner Bros. is putting out a collection of Batman the animated series with both films a bunch special features there even throwing in a bunch of a couple a keychains. ”  What Group of maniac nerds would say  “ I I am furious because WB  has the The Audacity to release this set with a batman keychain that does not look like the animated series Batman!!! They were obligated to give us the whole collection remastered the two films in special features but they think with all that we wouldn’t noticed that the bonus free keychains are wrong?!?!?!”  reasonable people: “Neat DC is putting out a Walmart exclusive anthology comic. Not a Walmart fan but I made spinning to check that out”  Army of belligerent unreasonable nerds: “Wait... you mean to tell me I actually have to go to Walmart to get my Walmart exclusive

A Message form my hero.

“To all the people i know that do not fall under the definition of heteronormative gender identities or relationships: i hear you,  i see you,  and i will stand beside you or stand up for you. I might occasionally make a mistake with my pronouns,  i might not even fully understand your identity because of my own cultural conditioning, i might fuck up and say something stupid and insensitive. But no matter how hard the administration tries to erase your existence i refuse to. Fuck that noise.”  Mz. Matrix (The Deadites)

Our hate problem starts at the top Trump And how are the generation of people to freely exhibit there he and Troubling rhetoric. A lot of the problems and I’m trying to focus on I feel I’ve been there forever, but they were greatly amplified by the concentrated he and celebrated ignorance are “leader” exhibits on a daily basis.

Hate 101: # 1

 I started this blog to shine a light  on a problem we have in fandom and in our greater community. Everybody  has been bullied. Everyone has been discriminated against because of how they look or where they come from .  Everyone has a story, I’d like to  here yours.  What is cyber bullying

It’s Important to smile when you’re saving the world ...

I see a lot of you are dissing the way Ms. Larson acted in the “Captain Marvel Trailer”. As some one who has almost every book The character has ever been in, As some one who’s actually a big fan.  If She looks like intense, grumpy, or not especially friendly Carol.. well that’s  Danvers to me. It’s amazing that is soon as a character is a little different (starFire’s not orange ECT ECt) we flip our  collective lids but if someone  acts the way the character supposed tooo.. now we flip our lids too? Also you don’t have to read comics to see these films, it’s not essential, and I’ve come to grips a long time ago that  Wile  marvel is better than DC they’re not for comic fans, buuut you should probably know something about the character if you’re going to complain about the accuracy of the Presentation of the character. Just saying.. ok?  Ps.  Thank you for  irritating me enough that I broke my not watching a trailer  Rule to see what you  were complaining about... jerks. 

This is fear not fandom  This isn’t  bullying, but I wanted to put an example of how this very myopic view of a character is the type of thing that people are rallying around to make fandom ugly.  But it’s important remember when we’re having conversations about the stuff that inherently everyone has the right to their opinion. Be good and be good to each other Lovingly Miss spelled  Marz 

Corporate bullying?  On this blog I mostly committed to the war on cyber bullying and harassment, But as stated in my mission statement  this is an on compassing anti-bullying crusade .  The link above is an article about company where is the car seven antibiotic  400%.  Putting aside his asinine response of it being a moral responsibility,  I thought struck me... Is this bullying?  So the first responses is  “it’s his company he makes the rules he can set the prices inside the federal guidelines”,  So basically his money his power he makes the rules . I’m a 5’10 200 pound former professional wrestler with a bit of a judo back background.  I’m not very big or tough guy but I certainly hold power over someone smaller who’s less experienced and physical  altercation than me.  Even though it’s  cloaked  under the guidelines of business, in my opinion it’s basically might makes right.  Am I crazy? Is this The corporate version of bending s

Don’t be defined

 This is a great story about a woman who lived a double life and when your coworkers found out about it how she handled it .  She was basically ridiculed for being good at two things .  And that’s the key to most trolls and bullies they are actually jealous.  I don’t want to say too much room in the punchline but here’s the story ...

You’re not even safe at work from cyber Trollls

Story “Actors and fans defend 'Cosby Show' actor after articles job-shame him for working at Trader Joe's” So this one hit me a bit hard. Apparently this gentleman who had a predominant role on a sitcom 30 or so years ago is trying to pay his bills. Some asshole snapped a picture of him at work and of course because of our cyber gang mentality it went completely viral.  First of actors don’t get paid what  I think people think they get paid. I guess I don’t even really know what actors get paid,  but it’s not unreasonable, that a bunch of years after you were in ONE sitcom that you would need to go find a job.   While it’s a much better system for men (much) The entertainment industry isn’t kind to folks advanced years, and by advanced years I mean over 30. It’s got to be double tough for a African-American of the same age bracket. But we don’t even know why he’s working there? This could be a part-time job for him. He could have any job including wo

It’s for everyone... .    Please check out this Facebook page.  A few glances at the photos shows inspiring story about inspiring story  about an inspiring lady!!  Fandom is for everyone. Not just a few not just those who are privileged  everyone ! Cause play is for everyone! #cosplay #misaonwheels

Heather Says...

As a person with boobs who likes “boy” things like comic books, sci fi, horror movies, and video games, I’ve dealt with plenty of trolls and bullies. I’ve also dealt with the ones who didn’t realize they were. Like, in high school, my friends were mostly dudes. Why didn’t you guys ever ask me to play D&D with you? I was excited to learn about a game like that, and we played other games together. Why do you exclude people that want to be part of your fandom? Why do others mock me for wanting to be part of it? My friend Mique is looking to shed some light on this subject. He’s starting a new project to tell people’s stories. If anyone would like to share their stories, his contact info and details are below. Let the people enjoy things. The color or shape of their skin has no bearing on their ability to love something just as much as you do.——- Heather Day


Remember  Cyber Bullies, play ground bullies, workplace bullies... president bulies. They all have a few things in common. You Exibit A positive personality trait that that they lack. They are gelouse of you and fundamentally insecure. They are afraid. Wether it be of something different or that they don’t understand they are afraid. It’s sad really.

Our house

First off I apologize I’m not a very eloquent or talented writer so this isn’t going to be the most grammatically correct statement you ever read. I also apologize for how long this is I’m not always very good at expressing my point concisely. Somewhere the ledge is shaking an angry fist at me. So... As some of you may or may not know, Im on this podcast. It Has a reputation for being offensive. It has a reputation for being dumb. We have earned both. while I know everything was meant in good fun I’ve Made a lot of inappropriate off-color jokes on that show and I’ll probably continue to do that till I die because for better or worst that’s who I am. This show and my long running band has also afforded me some small level of z-list celebrity. Up in till now I have used that to mostly promote myself and try to help my friends and family as best I could. I’m lucky to have the platform. On said platform I’ve said some things I shouldn’t have and I probably hurt some folks feeling