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Dear nerds,

Life is not Burger King you don’t get everything your way.

What a Normal well adjusted human being would say

“ I’m very excited that Warner Bros. is putting out a collection of Batman the animated series with both films a bunch special features there even throwing in a bunch of a couple a keychains. ” 

What Group of maniac nerds would say 

“ I I am furious because WB  has the The Audacity to release this set with a batman keychain that does not look like the animated series Batman!!! They were obligated to give us the whole collection remastered the two films in special features but they think with all that we wouldn’t noticed that the bonus free keychains are wrong?!?!?!” 

reasonable people:

“Neat DC is putting out a Walmart exclusive anthology comic. Not a Walmart fan but I made spinning to check that out” 

Army of belligerent unreasonable nerds:

“Wait... you mean to tell me I actually have to go to Walmart to get my Walmart exclusive comic book?!?!?!?! I can’t believe DC didn’t make these things available at my comic shop”?!? 

Real life person:

“Neat The trailer for *insert cool movie* came out.*”

Complete maniacs:

“ this movie is atrocious I can’t believe how terribly they messed it up. The acting is terrible in the special-effects awful. I’m glad I saw the trailer to save me the trip”


“ i’m very upset – versus the evil that got canceled”

Selfish entitled children:

“ I have written STARZ hundreds of letters. How dear they canceled my favorite television show. Did they know how badly this hurt the Fans? This is easily the best show ever Illegally downloaded” 

Someone with the soul:

“ i’m jacked *insert cool Indy Director* is getting the paycheck for a big budget movie”

Complete greedy dumbass:

“ It’s bad enough I have to hear people say “they enjoy The movie about my favorite obscure International property” despite the fact it was terrible, Now they are making another one?!?? I can’t believe people had the gall to watch it without reading every single issue of the book and seeing the original anime. That now they’re giving that guy the new King Kong movie? I have everyone in my RPG group to sign a petition to get this guy not only off the movie but thrown out of Hollywood. We’re all working around the clock to find out something bad they did. We also totally spam in all Their social media. we really want everyone to say terrible things about this guy. We’re gonna ruin this guy’s life because he made movies we didn’t like” 

It’s a crazy world. 


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