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Heather Says...

As a person with boobs who likes “boy” things like comic books, sci fi, horror movies, and video games, I’ve dealt with plenty of trolls and bullies. I’ve also dealt with the ones who didn’t realize they were.
Like, in high school, my friends were mostly dudes. Why didn’t you guys ever ask me to play D&D with you? I was excited to learn about a game like that, and we played other games together. Why do you exclude people that want to be part of your fandom? Why do others mock me for wanting to be part of it?
My friend Mique is looking to shed some light on this subject. He’s starting a new project to tell people’s stories. If anyone would like to share their stories, his contact info and details are below.

Let the people enjoy things. The color or shape of their skin has no bearing on their ability to love something just as much as you do.——- Heather Day


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