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Showing posts from 2020

Why We fail and why we succeed

  I Am Not A blue-collar job type of guy, To be fair I wouldn’t do too awful much better in an office. I’d be a terrible janitor, plumber, maintenance man, construction worker pretty much any manual labor job. It’s not Because I look down on Such gigs, I’m just not Intrested. Of all the tribes we build for a self of all the reasons we hold our self in high regard and others in lower what someone does for a job is perhaps the most trite and certainly the most ridiculous.  My dream day is sitting in the house all day air-conditioned with the shades pulled down writing ridiculous scenarios full of outlandish characters and gratuitous violence. One of my oldest and dearest friends is in construction he loves to be out in the sun swinging hammers moving heavy things. Regardless of how much your job bank account empower you, regardless of how you feel it elevates your social standing my friend in a lot of people would be completely miserable in your highfalutin corporate job. You see my frie


  This story is from earlier this year. I missed it. Part of it may be that I have use this platform to talk about the fact that I think our country in the world is being bullied by the ruling administration and its followers. Part of it is probably quite frankly that I’ve never seen the show and didn’t recognize the name of the actor as it shot through the daily Glass filled deluge which is the Internet news stream. Anyway I think it’s important if you haven’t seen it I think it’s Heartwarming that his Fanbase stood behind him that they supported him in an environment that’s much easier to Pile on  or stay on the sidelines. The article Sam Heughan Is one of the stars of the cable television program “outlander”. Cording to the linked article  He has been portraying The character  Jamie Fraser since 2014. He has publicly been accused of a litany of varying degrees of wrong, The accusations vary from criminal to quarantine shaming to downright hateful. “  Some of the claims being made ag

Heroes and villains

 It’s important to know who your representatives are. It’s important to know the type of people that are painting the narrative that you follow. In 2015 one of the leading conservatives spokes people are used the term “retarded” It’s amazing to me anyone pays it’s amazing to me anyone pays Ann Coulter or anything she says any mind, but she has a large platform and a lot of bandwidth. Anyway check out the story. It’s about a class act and a bully. Someone who was born with all the worlds advantages that is using it spread propaganda and hatred someone who was born without those advantages and worked hard to become just not a hero in the annals of athletics but a class act in his personal life! Mz Coulter referred to President Obama as a “retard” in a tweet during Monday night’s presidential debate, Special Olympics athlete and global messenger John Franklin Stephens wrote the Conservative champion this open letter: Dear Ann Coulter, Come on Ms. Coulter, you aren’t dumb and you aren’t sh

Masking the Truth

 Nancy Pelosi is a politician so fundamentally I don’t believe anything she says. regardless of how this went down she’s not handling it very intelligently or gracefully. BUT.. Outside of two the people (Who actually work in the salon industry) most everyone that I’ve seen post negatively about about this areA LOT OF the same people who Have publicly stated that “masks don’t work and they are completely useless” Or “ masks are more harm than they are good... carbon monoxide Bla bla bal”.  If you weren’t so busy being disingenuous “maskless Nancy” would be your new anti-mask champion but that’s not really the point is it? I feel terrible for the people who actually work in this industry, people who the actions of one of our “Leaders” Are going to encourage stooges on Either side of the aisle to do things to make their jobs and lives harder and unsafe. Unfortunately their voice is lost in the absolute idiot din being created by social media profiteers that are politicizing this for their

World weekly blues

 I just saw somebody say that the whole purpose of the COVID-19 “scam“ is so that “they” can Use it as a Trojan horse to inject folks with Nano technology And you said technology to track peoples movements... These people obviously don’t understand what their phones and computers are doing.  But what exactly do you think these tracking logs will look like? Day one: subject sat home on couch all day and complained about conspiracies on Facebook.  Day 2: subject sat on couch all day and complained about conspiracies on Facebook.  Day 3:  subject sat on couch all day and complained about conspiracies on Facebook.  What the fuck are you doing that’s so important that the governments getting this information will affect your life the world or anything else! Your credit cards! Your toll transponder’s! Your phones and tablets! Your cable box! Your media streaming device! Your bills! The government and anyone else with a few minutes and a computer can get any info they want on you! What are yo

It sucks

This is been one of the worst weeks of my life (And that’s fucking saying) something. I’ve been unable to get out of bed. When I do I cry a lot. I throw up a lot. I’ve pretty much felt like I’ve been having a heart attack for Three consecutive days. Not a good look as I rocket towards a week of sad stuff and doctors appointments. My therapist has upped my appointments to twice a week. My meds have been doubled. My usually empty house has been coincidentally full of people in a concerted effort for me not to be alone. I think they’re worried about me. I think they think I’m broken but I’m not sure I can be any more broken though this week showed me I can’t be more sad and certainly more disappointed.  there’s literally so much going on so much fucking terrible for me so much terrible in the world that it would take something awful to make anything stand out.. HEY Thanks 2020!!  The point of part one of this is not how messed up i am right now. I think anyone who knows

I have no mouth but I must complain

it’s funny how there’s a strange, Not very well hidden through line between THIS metaphor That I use a lot In gun control arguments and That said metaphor Is bleeding over into arguments with anti stay at home/facemask folks. The differences in both cases of fire Arm mismanagement and drunk driving are those are both choices. Bad choices but choices. There are drunk driving laws because people are stupid and irresponsible and countless infractions and tragedies have necessitated them. There are stricter gun laws in other countries because people can’t be responsible and countless instances of irresponsibility have facilitated the need for them. But there’s a difference in this and the  gun conversation, And certainly in the distracting absurdist satire of the drunk driving comparison. changes in gun legislation could impact your rights. agree or disagree any changes in the current status quo could affect firearms enthusiast way of life. This is why we vote this is why we hav

OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! Yuuuuuck Someone made some super hateful propaganda about a young girl who has been a champion in educating and shining a light on climate change. Sticker shows underage Greta Thunberg being rate with the logo of a major Canadian energy company at the bottom. Read the article. you’re going to throw up. This is terrifying but real. So.. Holy Fucking hell.  This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. It’s also the perfect illustration of just how different the sensibilities of the people on either side of this argument are. Which in my worldview are normal people who can look out the window and see with their own eyes what’s happening And a monstrous cabal of trolls who’s broken narrative is literally ignoring evidence happening directly on their doorstep. What I will say about this particular group of people... .... if this is The type of perso
