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This story is from earlier this year. I missed it. Part of it may be that I have use this platform to talk about the fact that I think our country in the world is being bullied by the ruling administration and its followers. Part of it is probably quite frankly that I’ve never seen the show and didn’t recognize the name of the actor as it shot through the daily Glass filled deluge which is the Internet news stream. Anyway I think it’s important if you haven’t seen it I think it’s Heartwarming that his Fanbase stood behind him that they supported him in an environment that’s much easier to Pile on  or stay on the sidelines.

The article

Sam Heughan Is one of the stars of the cable television program “outlander”. Cording to the linked article He has been portraying The character  Jamie Fraser since 2014. He has publicly been accused of a litany of varying degrees of wrong, The accusations vary from criminal to quarantine shaming to downright hateful.

 Some of the claims being made against Heughan are that he tries to extort fans for money. Some people are also accusing him of being a closet homosexual and that he has not been following directions during the coronavirus pandemic.” 

This sort of stuff is not uncommon on the Internet that’s why this blog exists but I think that there is a perception of these bullies. People think that they are grotesque mentally undeveloped adult children who live in their parents basement, This especially in this It’s not always the case... 

 He cannot mention his bullies by name because of legal reasons. However, he said that they are “professionals: teachers, psychologists, adults who should know better.” It sounds like they are people who are old enough to understand that their actions are extremely uncalled for.” * 

Worst still the harassment has moved beyond Sam and onto his costars alleging in the linked article that they have received death threats. 

This blog this to Poo bullying is real. Being famous give some of the perception that you’ve treated in your humanity for a television deal or a recording contract. That one share film star in your 50 feet high on the screen looking like a luminous flickering God you don’t need to be treated like a person anymore. and obviously that’s just not true. We should also didn’t read like a warning. Never too famous you’re never too handsome you’re never too successful to be the victim of cyber bullying. The world sort of sucks that way.

Check out the article for a little more info. The story itself is gross but the outpouring of support shows that we’re not in this battle alone there are human beings out there in the wild west codenamed the World Wide Web. It’s not just all tiger traps in troll  bridges, there are humans there armed with keyboards and social media. Share your story publicly at any level of fandom or celebrity Terrifying, but it’s perhaps the only way to bring the over arcing consistently denied problem into the light.


And I stand with all of you

Dr. troll hunter

* Quotes pulled from article by quotes pulled from article by  
Samantha Agate from The linked arrival from the web sight Talentrecap


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