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Why We fail and why we succeed


I Am Not A blue-collar job type of guy, To be fair I wouldn’t do too awful much better in an office. I’d be a terrible janitor, plumber, maintenance man, construction worker pretty much any manual labor job. It’s not Because I look down on Such gigs, I’m just not Intrested. Of all the tribes we build for a self of all the reasons we hold our self in high regard and others in lower what someone does for a job is perhaps the most trite and certainly the most ridiculous. 

My dream day is sitting in the house all day air-conditioned with the shades pulled down writing ridiculous scenarios full of outlandish characters and gratuitous violence. One of my oldest and dearest friends is in construction he loves to be out in the sun swinging hammers moving heavy things.

Regardless of how much your job bank account empower you, regardless of how you feel it elevates your social standing my friend in a lot of people would be completely miserable in your highfalutin corporate job.
You see my friends would be a lousy politician, lawyer, accountant, marketer and any of that sort of your location that comes directly from a degree and a set amount of school.
It’s not because he’s not smart enough or a hard enough worker it’s because he’s just not interested in that sort of life. Keep me equally bored living my life.

And if it’s the degree that you hold in such esteem, you’re right in thinking that the person you see cleaning the gutters for picking up your trash does not need an allotted amount of college it doesn’t mean they doesn’t have one. It’s possible they’re in school now working to keep the lights on all day study to be a marine biologist or forensic pathologist. But maybe just maybe they went to school tried out your ideal location and felt like they were in hell. They needed sun they needed sweat they needed grime. There’s a pretty good chance that neither one of those are right there’s a pretty good chance that your perceived lack of education prison isn’t a prison at all. Odds are that person is doing what day enjoy what makes them happy. They found a way to survive in pride and not be stuck and somethings they don’t care for. Lastly not all these “ Unskilled jobs“ pay poorly. I suspect wielding a jackhammer is a noble in fairly lucrative affair. 

Enclosing don’t judge people by their job.

The simple thing to say here is “judge them by who they are not where they work”

But I’m well aware of why we fail As a species I share it and am repulsed find our shortcomings. So I’m going to appeal to your social self-preservation and vanity.

“Don’t make fun of people for what they do for a job you look like the stupid snobby dick in an 80s teen Movie. You’re being a bully and I don’t like bullies”

PS I apologize for not credit in the artist I have been unable to find who it is.

Dr. troll hunter


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