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I have no mouth but I must complain

it’s funny how there’s a strange, Not very well hidden through line between THIS metaphor That I use a lot In gun control arguments and That said metaphor Is bleeding over into arguments with anti stay at home/facemask folks.

The differences in both cases of fire Arm mismanagement and drunk driving are those are both choices. Bad choices but choices.

There are drunk driving laws because people are stupid and irresponsible and countless infractions and tragedies have necessitated them.

There are stricter gun laws in other countries because people can’t be responsible and countless instances of irresponsibility have facilitated the need for them.

But there’s a difference in this and the  gun conversation, And certainly in the distracting absurdist satire of the drunk driving comparison.

changes in gun legislation could impact your rights. agree or disagree any changes in the current status quo could affect firearms enthusiast way of life.
This is why we vote this is why we have conversations this is why we decide on representatives who (allegedly) fight for our individual best interest.

But this is a lot different then the above examples. The difference being: no one has any control over the contraction Or distribution of this virus. Nobody chooses to sit in the virus section despite the dangers of secondhand virus! 

These sanctions were not put into place to hurt YOU. They were put in to protect people who have no agency in their immune system. It’s not a matter of taking anything from you it’s a matter of protecting people who can’t otherwise be protected.

The argument of keeping them away from YOU is ludicrous because all it takes is a mistake. or chance encounter or forgetting not to hug your grandparents. Heck someone could sneeze on your car door while it’s sitting outside parked! One minute later and you walk out to get in it and now the Virus is part of your days trajectory. From that point forward everyone you coming contact with regardless of how good or bad your choices were that day are now exposed.  granted diligent personal maintenance cuts these sort of rest down but like I said all it takes is a mistake. 

I think the thing that drives me most crazy is that these “ abort unconstitutional prison like demands” aren’t really that strict!

Obviously Many types  commerce have suffered super detrimental affectes due to this situation; both industries I dwell in  are on life-support right now because of it.

but you can still eat. you can get groceries and take out. you can still go to the package store. you can still watch television. you can still go hiking!! you can’t go to the Hobby shop but you can get hobbies online. You are still able to receive treatment for your physical and mental health. Heck I went to target the other day spent $40 on underwear and socks (my washer is fucked up and I have other plumbing issues that makes handwashing the stuff difficult not impossible but difficult) and $19 on discounted Easter candy (that’s about $82 in discount to real life Easter prices folks)  I wore my mask. I social distanced I got in and out and hopefully I’m OK.  it probably wasn’t a good idea it wasn’t entirely irresponsible but I live alone with one of the person and only see one other outside person who has very similar circumstances. Did I make a bad decision. Maybe. Did I have to dodge crossbow toting assassin’s and blockades to pick up me undies and some Cadberry delights? Nope!


What the fuck is it that’s driving you assholes so crazy!!!!!!

You CAN NOT Get a haircut or your soccer mom Dye job.

YOU CAN’T walk around the mall though in most cases you CAN still support those businesses online, so what you’re REALLY upset about is YOU can’t walk around the mall. 

YOU CAN NOT go to your favorite bars or diners and hang out with the other regulars. This sucks I miss hanging out at my own shop and local comic shops talking about nerdy goings ons. But do I miss it enough to possibly get someone who can’t fight off the virus sick? No.

Graduations birthday parties and other once-in-a-lifetime engagements have been affected and that’s heartbreaking. No if ands or butts about it. you only get one 6th birthday. you only graduate from high school or A college degree program one time. you’re not gonna have another 50th wedding anniversary and even In rescheduling any of the stuff the  some of the sentimentality is destroyed. I get it that sucks. I was supposed to hang out with my friends from abroad on my birthday and even though I know we’ll hang out again and even though we are rescheduling that very event.. it meant a lot they were coming up just for my special day. And they still are but I was heartbroken that day wile  it wasn’t happening. I get it I’m as sentimental as The next cat. 

I apologize if I insult anybody(kinda) but let’s be fucking honest, you’re not being that put out. 

“I’m not?”



“But Jim said history Shows...”

“Jim’s history involves failing 4 years of two years of history”

“ I know but..”

“ he also said he was abducted by aliens”

“ that’s why he’s so smart”


Any way... But seriously in real life honest to goodness bat boy or Richard Milhouse Nixon has nothing to do with this reality...

... You’re really not. there aren’t people outside your house with guns stopping you from leaving. You can leave all you want!! you can drive around all the live long day.

Home schooling apparently sucks. Not as much as the Dead teachers and sick kids but from what I’m hearing from both sides of the aisle it’s pretty awful. Working from home isn’t... wait a minute?!?! Don’t you Dick bags fantasize about working from home all day long! I have to be in a physical place to sell what I sell but if I turn off his job had a computer I definitely prefer to do it at home without pants on. 

I’m lucky to be on unemployment right now and I know many people are as well. Working around people in retail I know most of you dream all year about the prospect of having a ton of time off to do with what you want. Now through no fault of anyone’s you have it and you’re bellyaching like an eight-year-old who wants to go outside after dinner on school night. On top of that you’re getting paid for it on top of that they’re giving you extra!!!

So the real problem is you’re “rights”
you think this is about your “rights” but you’re wrong (see what I did there)
It’s about other people safety. It’s about your safety but if you’re healthy and will easily fight off the virus that doesn’t mean someone else can. while it’s important to this conversation I can’t bring myself to bring up the concept of “asymptomatic“ because I feel like I talk about it every fucking day and people on the other side of the argument just don’t seem to get it.

“ I feel OK so I am OK”

Let’s just get down to brass tacks here.

I don’t want to censor you.
I don’t want to take away your ability to express yourself or feel things.
I don’t want anything to take away your emotional agency, if you’re upset you’re upset.

Right now I’m attacking your hyperbole. Or ass Red Cote would put it “ The bullshit”

When you say..

“ I don’t want to Be Forced to Stay home. ”

“I don’t want to wear a mask”

 what you’re actually saying is...

“I don’t care that other people can get sick! I don’t care that I can get them sick.  I don’t care that getting me sick could get my family sick! I  just want to do what I WANT to do AND how IT affects OTHER people makes NO difference to ME! It’s not about what I NEED or Am ENTITLED TO! I WANT what I WANT and that’s it!!” * stomps foot indignantly crosses arms* 

So just say that.

Don’t cite the constitution because you don’t give a fuck about and it that’s not what it’s about. 

Don’t try to distract people with non-comparables “ more people have been struck by lightning while being eaten by sharks then...”

Don’t try to dazzle us with facts and figures (i’ve known some of you for 40 years you don’t know what that fucking graph means anymore than I do! I already know you can copy a picture to your phone and post it on Facebook the great baby Yoda invasion of 2019 was not that long ago.

#NeverForget #MayTheForceBeWithYou #YodaIsNotASpecies 
#StopCallingHimBabyYoda )

Tell us what your actual agenda is. If you’re brave enough to say it you’re brave enough to be honest about it.

“I want what I want and I don’t care how to effects  other people”

I won’t like it. I won’t agree with you. But Ill respect you for telling the truth.

Which is a pretty selfless sentiment on my part because you don’t even care if your germs kill somebody’s Grammy.

“Your car you’re rights” I guess


Dr. troll hunter have no mouth but I must complain


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