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Walking 5 miles uphill in the snow and still having no clue

I’m consistently amazed that we live in a world that A subsection of our country is angry about the concept of not acknowledging some lost fella  “ discovered“ a Continent full of people All the while totally unable to acknowledge advancements in science and medicine And more on topic The realities of mental illness and the struggles of those who live with it.

I suffer from severe depression.

I Have my whole life. This was before a bunch of terrible years really knocked me for a loop and I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress syndrome. 

Growing up stuff like this didn’t exist.

You were lazy. 

You would act out

Outsiders would point to the inept raising or all out negligence of our parents.

But no one ever thought there was a reason all this was happening.

I’m not denying they are bad seeds. People who are mean because they enjoy being mean people who are lazy because they are just lazy. You can agree or disagree, and maybe I’m just wrong but I’m in a lot of folks and feel like I can see the difference.

But in reality most folks are slaves to their brain. An oppressive cacophony of misfiring Firing synapses and hormones.

A oppressive onslaught Chemicals and and bad wiring that prevents us from clearly interpreting our surroundings and the actions and nuances of others. 

It’s tough.

But our problems are only part of the problems. We still find ourselves in a situation where we’re constantly forced to explain, defend and apologize for our behavior. We are told that  we need to “cowboy up” “get over it” “work through it” and any number of drill sergeant gym teacher Rhetoric that’s almost always presented with a dash of condescension and a bucket of insensitivity. 

The worst is The statement in the image above..

“we didn’t have these ‘Things’ in my day”

Roughly translated

“In our day we didn’t make excuses” 

Even writing this crushes me. I can’t imagine in 2021 regardless of their age in back room, that anyone could be so shortsighted so myopic in the world view that they would say or write such things. It’s heartbreaking.

But here we are. 

I’m not letting anyone off the hook who in 1988 call Dash lazy or stupid or a baby. 

All that stuff sucked then it was mean then and it’s mean and sucks now!

one fact that is undeniable and it’sthat  back then their ignorance was backed by a legit lack of scientific understanding and wide spread factual knowledge about how our brains work and why it doesn’t work sometime. 

I was raised In no small part by my grandmother who was one of the most phenomenal women on earth. She loved me she spoiled me she gave me the life sitcom‘s lead me to believe I should have.

 In the late 90s when I was diagnosed with depression I told my grandmother who quickly and uncharacteristically brutally dismissed her day you were either


Which meant you were in a padded room in the local mental facility. Generally sporting the latest in straight jacket fashion.


Not crazy;

Like everybody else Who was not checked into the Mad House. 

Sad was sad. 

It wasn’t sick you needed to bite your lip and get on with it.

That’s the way she was raised and those are the beliefs she held steadfast to. I don’t blame her and I love her but Ignorance is ignorance end it didn’t hurt any less to be told my diagnosis and pain were invalid. 

But here’s what bugs me,

Now it is common knowledge. Not only from an educationala  and news media point of View, the reality of mental illness has become so prevalent in our pop culture it’s almost unbelievable when our protagonist is not on some sort of anti-depressant and war logging a couple episodes worth of therapy.

It’s here, there it’s everywhere.

Then why don’t they get it?.

It’s probably true that a portion of the society in a small but loved portion of our culture is still old enough to hold on to the archaic black-and-white TV era beliefs they were brought up with. It’s also possible there’s a subsection of our society that is of a certain age that they they just don’t want to change, They’re going to hold onto their archaic views and out of date racism and we basically just have to wait around for them to pass on like the dinosaurs they are and  don’t believe in. 

I am rambling which is something I’m good at. 


In truth the reason they don’t understand is probably equally complex and not un similar to The internal chemicals that are making our life difficult on a daily basis. 

So I guess I’ll leave you with a message for twofold.

For those of you reading this that live in a world fogged by insecurities and fears brought on by Biology you have no agency over. Those of us that are so empathetic we are an able to function after seeing A greeting card featuring a sad puppy let alone the real life calamity that is 2022.

Be patient,

I realize this is not very Dr. troll hunter of me but we have to understand that they don’t understand. And even if they can’t be taught even if they are unable to learn.. lashing out at them won’t help them learn and won’t make you feel any better.


Don’t hang out and be abused at the luxury of someone else’s ignorance. Some people are not compatible and just because you can’t steer a train doesn’t mean you should hang out on the tracks. 

Also some folks are just mean vindictive and out to hurt you it’s OK to tell them to fuck themselves three ways to Friday and pop the real bad ones on their damn fool head.

(OK I’m starting to feel like myself again)

For other folks who may be reading this for some reason,

You need to be patient as well.

There’s a lot of stuff that you don’t understand how it works or why it’s happening but it doesn’t make it any less real or valid. People like me feel trapped in their body and you jingling the keys to that prison in their face don’t help at all.

We wish we could just get unfucked! We wish we didn’t hyper analyze every little bit of every situation creating an avalanche of paranoia laden discomfort.

Think about it, you telling me I need to chew my ankle off to get out of the beer trap doesn’t make these metal teeth any less excruciating. 

Maybe it’s better to just not say anything and be patient, if you can’t handle what trauma someone is going through if your beliefs don’t allow empathy then as I said before perhaps you are just not compatible as friends lovers cohabitating human beings or strangers on a bus.

It’s also worth mentioning there’s been all sorts of crazy shit that didn’t exist when you were young!

Plasma televisions.


3D Printing

Universal income (not applicable to the United States or other Future Third World dystopian Capitalist fuled dictatorships) *

Augmented Reality

Pay pal

A Boba Fett TV show

Vampire trains

9 million different sweeteners

Electric cars


Little Debbie double packs of cosmic brownies

These were around in “your day”

More importantly you didn’t have to live in a cave in fight off a sabertooth tiger in order to get your next meal.

If you’re cognizant of that then why won’t you except the world has changed even if you’re not willing to.


Doctor Troll Hunter 

  • I’ll be honest I have no clue when and where  the Concept universal income was first executed. But I sure as hell no it’s not in this crazy country. 


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