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Killing in the name of..

Killing in the name of 

One would think in a game that is at least partially predicated on playing a hocking slasher and Choping your way through “survivors” would be plenty distraction for avid horror fan and basement dwelling cyber troll alike. Leave it to sick racist trolls to invent new ways to terrorize people who look different than them.

Above is an article by the website “ for the win“ , It details the fact that “ Behaviour Interactive will remove specific cosmetics following widespread reports of racist harassment in Dead By Daylight. “

(Jeepers creepers)

I’ll be honest we’re in a weird place and before reading anything at all I was worried that this may be a case of the wrong people playing the wrong game. The world is very sensitive right now in my opinion rightfully so, but if I’m being honest I feel sometimes energy spent rallying against the wrong stuff. Maybe I’m just old but sometimes are is mean and not all are is for everybody and I have a legitimate fear that while I am beating up bad guys we will neuter her artistic palette down to nothing.

But then I read the article...

What’s worse than leather face? 

“Members of the community have shared their experiences with people targeting and harassing them while using some of these masks,”

Answer: racist leather face.

So apparently you can  ware the faces of characters you murder in the game (which is a gross but pretty cool bit of playable customization.)

In a Herculean effort to prove how A) stupid they are and B) why were unable to have nice things, idiotic hate machines who are playing the game have have started to use the face of a female African-American survivor Named “ Claudette Morel.”

Now cladding there cinematic juggernaut in black face There bopping about committing cyber hate crimes. Harassing African American players and by the sounds of it just being dicks. 

in a statementBehaviour Interactive said“These reports were disheartening to hear, and we absolutely condemn this behaviour. We are not comfortable having these masks in the game when they are used as a tool to spread hate. To that end, we will be removing The Cannibal’s unlockable faces in this upcoming Mid-Chapter.”

I think this is a reasonable response to a ridiculous situation. As a giant horror fan I am repulsed by both the ignorance and shitty stereotypes that are being perpetrated by the games players. I spent a big chunk of my life defending the fact that like in movies about monsters doesn’t make me a monster (not that I am not a monster but it’s not the fault of anything I’ve read or saw nor do Anyone should be able to use the scapegoat) and now a group of dumb horror fans are legitimately proving they are just as stupid as other stupid people thought they were.

From corps Paint Church burning to The sexist Misogynist Rhetoric and  campaigns of Comic/game gate or Trenchcoat clad school shooters to the mass cyber bullying of the actors who play science fiction characters we don’t approve of The Darkside of fandom is consistently working it’s ass in an effort to prove Where every bit shallow, dumb scary, Regressive unwelcoming and downright dangerous as the naysayers and book cover judges have painted us to be.

If you want your dark music to be respected and appreciated for the multi layered symphonic poetry it is.

If you want to erase the stigmatism a violent video games are gateways to violence.

If you want the art forms you love to not be looked at as childish rubbish

Stop acting like the clichés that create these stereotypes about fandom.

It’s simple you don’t want people to think you’re mean don’t be mean. And if you don’t Give a fuck what people think about you try and stretch your myopic coddled social boundaries to realize that add a glance  you represent everyone who likes what you like. To some miss guided idiot who doesn’t know any better every kid in an iron maiden shirt every dude behind the counter at a comic shop’s behavior is indicative of the behavior of everyone in that particular fandom.

Obviously this is just as backwards stupid and wrong as anything the worst elements of fandom present, But weather by suicidal  ignorance or close mindedness this is generally the way a large chunk of the population is. To people who don’t understand you represent all fans, and your behavior most of the time is making the rest of us look bad. At least wear a shirt that says “ i’m a sexist racist dick bag“ so ignorant civilians and your fellow fans can see you coming.

A cool part in a cool game is now being changed because a portion of us don’t have the maturity or empathy To not weaponize it. 

Gross guys really really gross

If you don’t want people to think monster movies create monster movies stop being fucking monsters

I need a drink


Dr. troll hunter


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