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When we recover loudly…

 Don’t be ashamed to talk about mental illness. The ups downs your recoveries or your trip ups.

The people who think you’re over sharing aren’t the people who think they’re out there alone in the world feeling exactly like you do. 

every shared truth is a light someone else can use to find their way out of the darkness.

thank you to the incredible and brave @grimm_hollow.folklore For sharing this in the first place! 

#talkaboutmentalillness #helpingothers #dontbeafraid #WereInThisTogether  #weareinthistogether #mentalillnessisillness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #depressionawareness #bipolarawareness #youarenotalone #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthwarrior #helpeachother #darknessforlight #depressionandanxiety #anxietyawareness #anxietyproblems #depressionisadisease


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