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What are we afraid of?

Recently it was announced that Lois Lane and Superman‘s offspring was bisexual. And while people are able to get past the fact that the father in question can fly is from a different universe and not even the same species as the mother in question. And they certainly don’t ever talk about the fact that Lois Lane is too fucking cool for that boring ass milquetoast Boy Scout, The bisexual thing is causing quite a ruckus

 Oh fandom... why are we the last bastion of backwards Puritan values?

Comics are like 30 years behind the times. 

Fandom tends to disguise their dislike for these things or discomfort in it antiquated political stances.

“Make a new character”

Then they use a new character..... I’ve had library books out longer than there has been a superman son. He is a pretty new character! and if they made a new character completely from scratch that’s pretty cool but in reality how much does it mean to a 13-year-old who is scrolling through the Internet to find out that the biggest superhero IP in the universe is feeling some of the stuff They are feeling

“ they are just pandering to people that who don’t read their books”

Why don’t they read them. Could it be that no one in Comics them represents them? 

It literally goes on I think it’s time for people to start thinking about why they are really bothered by this. 

In a medium that seldom shows anything resembling sex why does what a character does in between panels bother you? 

“ because they’re forcing it on us”

if this is your take in you can explain exactly what they are forcing on us in a free market situation when if you don’t like it you don’t have to buy it, please do. honestly I’m interested (interested in a sort of I’m not afraid of no ghost sort of way)

But before you write words think about why you’re writing em. 

why do you really dislike it?

how does it effect the characters adventures? 

I think it’s factual to say it doesn’t change any of that.

So I think it’s time to look inside and figure out why are you dislike it.

“ it’s a marketing scheme”

RIGHT!! they are aiming stories at individuals that have been ignored in comics and popular fiction. It’s  overall 

 It’s existence it all has become a sub genre.  Both ends of the argument hammering it into its own rabbit hole. Pandering to those people? that’s good business. but I’m really just spinning my wheels in this post because regardless of why it’s happening it’s a good thing. A company installing state of the art sprinkler systems because they don’t want to be a fine is a good thing. There is a difference between a BAD thing and someone doing something for  an  un- altruistic Or downright selfish reason. Sometime something happening at all is a good thing in the bigger picture, regardless of why it happens. Maybe this IS a cash grab, but also maybe it’ll Garner a whole new generation of fans and writers that haven’t been able to identify with any character in mainstream comics. Maybe this particular marketing scheme make someone not feel so alone.

The corporation may not of given a fuck about the people it’s saving from burning to death but if it saves them from burning them to death..

Businesses are made to make money. Sharks swim and eat. Somethings are just simple. But sometimes a byproduct of these things are good and productive even if their up side had nothing to do with anything to do with it The good it’s created.

A comic company may create more diverse character slate to Get some publicity and new sales. They were going to do something and if the byproduct is creating new characters or making old characters more than heterosexual clichés or fetishes. Characters that are inclusive and look like the rest of the world, Then No matter why it happened that’s a good thing. If a shock consumes and painfully tears to shreds A homophobic terrified Jack ass..

 ... I mean the shark was just being a shark but One less dummy is one less dummy.


Dr. troll hunter


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