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I saw a post about the national guard beefing up security because a group of people believe that a coming day in March will be the day that Donald Trump will rightfully become the President of the United States.

The world is gross. 

Is the far right Going To say that it was Democrats in disguise that stormed the capital? 

I’m Not embarrassed to be an American. I love America. I have dear friends and family who have served and fought for this country. I am ashamed of Americans. Trump and his lackeys ran and ruled on a platform of hatred. and a huge part of this landmass known as the United States not only supported him but were empowered by it.

you don’t think so? why you don’t think so? 

It’s probably because you’re not African-American. Probably because you’re not starving. You’re not freezing right now because your state government would not put any sort of regulation on power because it would prevent them from lining their pockets. You’re not transgender or homosexual. 

You probably don’t or at least don’t think you will ever possibly need an abortion. You’re either not a woman or your “religious beliefs“ to prevent you from thinking women should have any sort of biological agency over their own body. You’re not afraid of being evicted right now. You weren’t afraid of losing your healthcare.  you probably don’t have to pay thousands of dollars for one monthly prescription for moreover be in a position that you just couldn’t pay for it. You probably don’t think misogyny is a problem.  you like the idea of your media looking exactly like you and not being representative of the majority of people who live in the United States and or around the world. you want all space heroes to be white and all superheroes have have blonde hair and blue eyes. If anyone wants a female hero that is of a different color and not a buxom supermodel they’re trying to fuck up your childhood hobbies.

All this is roughly is translated to the fact that you lack empathy and have been so far in your own shit for so long you forgot what it was like to be anyone but you.  You lack empathy for anyone else and it’s made you greedy. 

I WORKED HARD! I STRUGGLED! Congratulations  not everybody did. congratulations  not everybody did. But you need to fucking remember Not everyone who is poor is lazy. Not everyone who fucked up doesn’t deserve a second chance. Your accomplishments Don’t lessen anyone else’s problems. 

Your success he’s not in Hanst or taken away by helping someone overcompensate for their failures and double triple more so for helping people who had zero agency in their hardship.

I mean let’s talk about the facts The only thing that was consistently good during trumps administration was the stock market. So to be fair if you make money on the stock market you probably did well. If you did well without or aside from the stock market during trumps administration it’s because YOU DID WELL. YOU WORKED HARD. But he’s convinced you that it’s because he made things so great for you. People complain that people citing certain privilege is lessening people‘s hard work but that’s what Donald Trump was doing. “ this country is doing great because I’m the president” first off the country wasn’t doing great Wall Street was doing great. He denied scientific fact and this pandemic is so out of hand because him and his constituents of capitalism refused to do the right thing. He thought the votes of very rich people who had something to lose from the economy shutting down one more important than the people who funded the economy who were getting sick. 

While Donald Trump was president the disparity between the wealthy and they’re not wealthy somehow grew. It was already an insurmountable Gap but it somehow got bigger. Not everyone who is supporting him is supporting him because they like his white empowerment rich villain like ideology. But you just have to take one look at the rhetoric used by some of his more militant support groups and I dare you to deny that a chunk of his supporters do.  and there is an argument to be made that just by supporting a capitalist racist You are A capitalist racist. My ideology is not as cut and dry as that. But come on you didn’t know he was racist. Unless you think someone went to the trouble to edit and use complicated special effects to make a Trump robot say all the stupid shit he said in front of a camera. If that’s the case I can’t help you. So while I don’t necessarily subscribe to lumping anyone in one box understand why people who do dislike you for who you voted for dislike you for who you voted for.  All that said in the battle over electoral votes where I stood if you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem. 

Fuck Mainstream media! This is how we got here in the first place. And if you’re reading an independent media outlet that is saying one side is bad and one side is good that’s not a reliable news source. It’s a simple as that. Joe Manson  is a Democrat and he is against raising the minimum wage. I’m at a loss right now for exactly who it was but recently a Republican offered up a better stimulus and child tax cut then his conservative brother in the head and better than the one in the Democrats brought to the table, it was Ted Cruz but whoever it was was more progressive than the process in his sales pitch. Its Almost never that cut and dry. 

if you’re going to watch mainstream media research it find out who owns it who benefits if the news bounces a certain way whose pockets get lined when people vote a certain way. If you have to fucking watch it watch both sides of the aisle not always but a lot of the time the truth lies in the middle. They are tons of fact checking organizations that Wiil give you the truth about what The talking heads are selling you on CNN or Fox news. They will tell you whether that meme is true or If this elected official or celebrity actually said or did what Your news source said they said they did. They will do that by showing you the facts. 

The end of Day I’ve always thought the key to success was fortify YOU fortify your FRIENDS AND FAMILY (which is literally the bare minimum that is expected of you as a human) and help as many people as you can that are within your reach in ability of helping.  question authority research your News sources. Give more than you take and leave every place better than it was when you got there. 

Let me reiterate! Stop listening to mainstream media, moreover stop listening to media that is directly catering to your beliefs! Why do you think your side is right and their side is wrong? because the news you’re watching is telling you what you want to hear. There are ways to get facts and not opinions but they’re not on main stream news. There are independent news sources on each side of the aisle that don’t have any financial agenda.  there are people who literally just read facts. This happened. This is when it happened. This is why the people who did it said it happened.  One of those is better than the other but they’re both better than what your TV is selling you. 

People need to find empathy they need to put themselves outside of their own situation. they need to see the big picture. I know people who think the insurrection on January 6 and the black life matters riots were the same. That’s because they lack the “empathyamphitheater” understand why the black life matters movement happened. They are comparing their situation as a group of Caucasian people who feel they are losing their grip on this country. Losing grip their religious fascism and institutionalized racism has on this country and the people in it. Basically think them not getting their way is the same as being discriminated against and systematically kept down since the beginning of this country. They literally think that minorities aren’t discriminated against because they’re not slaves anymore. They think they have the same opportunities as everyone because they’re not owned by anyone. I don’t think rioting is ever the answer ever but because I have eyes a brain and empathy I understand why people are fucking angry and fed up. I understand the difference of a society who is been a victim of hate and violence for so long rising up and being furious. I understand I would’ve done it that way but I’m a white kid from the Whitest part of Massachusetts. I’m completely unable to put myself in their position and really understand what it is to walk in their shoes. All I can do is feel bad that they have to and that they have. I DO understand the difference between what they are going through and what the insurrection is so going through. They want Trump to win because they’re afraid of the black life matters riots. They fear what’s different and finally they had a leader who supported their small mind vision of idealize society, Heck if that many African-American people stood around and held hands and sing Kumbaya they’d be afraid. There aren’t black people in the gated communities. There arnt black people in their affluent neighborhoods. The rich proves again and again they’re more Beverly hillbillies then Bruce Wayne,

And if we’re dealing with people who are going to be afraid that there’s more than one non-Caucasian person standing outside the mall they are going to be terrified about large groups of angry people, and not for nothing those protesters didn’t show up with guns that was the Trump supporters.

I’m not telling you we all have to get along and agree my band can’t even decide where to go out to dinner without hanging out in the parking lot for 3 1/2 hours before hand. People have different needs people want different things. I can’t tell you to not be prejudiced or racist. I can only ask you to try to see things from the other side of the tracks. I’d Like to ask everyone to do that. Pay pay attention to who you’re getting your propaganda from if something seems to perfect as my dear friend El Goro often says it generally is. 

* see the debunked quote of Ted Cruz saying “ i’ll believe in climate change one Houston freezes over”* 

For years I’ve been saying if we keep staying in our tribes in our little societies we’re going to lose yeah go in administration came in and exploited people‘s fears made the divide insurmountable and as a country I feel that we’ve lost. Now all we can do is rebuild though I don’t have much faith in the centrist democrats that are driving the van now. 

But we lost. As a country we lost we should all be on the bench right now with our heads hung low. The people who fought against fascism. The amazing people who tried to help the disenfranchised who tried to be the voice of the voiceless. The people who kept everybody down. What the militant conservatives don’t realize is they lost as much as everyone else did. Only 1% of this country is winning right now by any metric that’s not a win for this country. If you don’t want to grow any brains or empathy go back to the two riots are used as an example before think about who one side is angry at and think about who one side is fighting for. Decide that the people who storm the capital of fighting for don’t care if they eat and thrive or anyone eats and thrives. In a lot of cases the other side is just looking to eat at all.

Use your brains. 

I’m ashamed of you. It’s gross. Do better

“Snatch back your brain zombies! Snatch it back and hold it!” 



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