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This is hart breaking.

It’s important to put things in perspective you’re about to read a status update that has gone viral. It’s heartbreaking and honest and beautiful in it’s unabashed truth.

The people in the drive-through Are  not bad guys they’re probably not full of hate.
They are doing what most of us do as part of a larger Grander pattern of behaviors is called “survival mechanisms” i’m not letting him off the hook it was rude and inconsiderate and despite the fact they had no context to know what hurt their tone deaf statements would create... well it was a Dick move.
For those you haven’t caught it a woman being treated for cancer went through a fast food drive-through to catch a coffee what she got was made fun of.
Unaware that she was able to hear them in the drive-through employees paraded her address which was given to her by a woman at the location she was receiving her radiation.
Her name is marissa sowers

This is what she wrote.

“ Dear McDonald's worker who will probably never see this....,
Ur drive thru windows aren't sound proof. Ur probably wondering y I had tears in my eyes when u handed me my iced coffee... or maybe not, judging by the words u said after handing me my oatmeal...
"Look at this white girl, tryin to wrap her head. Lookin all stupid"
As u and ur coworker laughed and passed judgement on my poor head wrap job, I hope ur day gets better. I went to McDonald's for an iced coffee and oatmeal to try to make my day better, but u made it worse. I hope u never get sick. I hope ur healthy and thriving for ur life. I hope ur family members r healthy and happy. Cuz I didnt wrap my head to try to be anything in particular... I wrapped it cuz I shaved my head when my hair was falling out from chemo and having a baby, and yesterday my stepson told me he liked it. I wrapped it cuz the scarf was given to me from a woman at the office I get radiation treatments from. I also wrapped it cuz I haven't showered in 2 days cuz I'm a mom who is still trying to figure out how to juggle everything.
So, thank you for reminding me to be careful with my words... and to not judge a book by the cover.💜

That "stupid white girl"”

Think Before you speak
Think before you judge
Be kind


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