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Meet The New Boss.. same as The Old Boss.

 I don’t pretend to be a good guy or a good person. I think that’s what makes me the right person for this job .

 What’s the job? 

 Showing the people who say there is no problem that there is indeed is a problem . 
Fandom is full of bullies and people are in denial . There’s obviously a great deal of entitlement that comes with the fact that for multiple lifetimes our heroes have been white males. The folks who didn’t look like that were generally the Side and if they were lucky enough to make it on the comic cover or theater marque there was almost always a “And” before their name. 

 Everyone likes to see them self in their heroes and if you were a Caucasian male comics and  aoverall fantasy had plenty of mirrors for you . 

In 2019 the world is much smaller then it was when I started my journey down the nerdy rabbit hole. our phones allow us to see news all the way on the other side of the world the Minute it happens, we can talk to anyone anywhere with just a couple of keystrokes .  With this new found world community not only comes new creators but enlightened creators who feel inclined to represent the entirety of civilization And not just those who grew up around them . While I feel like this is A cause to rejoice a their are lot of people angry about it. It would appear we were OK with a Cantina full of people who looked like walruses and Frankenstein‘s but there was apparently only room in space for one African-American. 
 As a race we have a Lotta hate. I don’t think anybody can deny that. There’s a small but vocal section of our fan community that hides their hate in backwards crusade, full of fun house mirror political rhetoric and misdirection. They look at inclusion as an agenda and not as a evolutionary side effect of enlightenment. 
There are people who are just plain ignorant, it’s not their fault but it’s not good. If there was only one African-American person in their whole school system and maybe one Asian (and let’s be honest they weren’t Chinese Japanese or Korean everyone just referred to them as “Asian”) why would there be any more than that small amount of representation in the DCU? Heck there were way more African-American Avengers over the years then there were African Americans in my high school. So while I understand the cause of their point of view I can’t abide by it. Again I fall back on how small technology has made the world ,them not paying attention is THEIR fault not everyone else’s. Folks with their eyes closed may only marginally be part of the problem but their certainly not any part of the solution. 
Hopefully in time they will see the error of their perception.  

Whether you don’t feel there’s not a problem because of your surroundings or you don’t feel there’s a not problem because you think You’re gatekeepy chauvinistic racist attitudes are are actually a shield against some left wing intrusion or some subversive attack on the first amendment... well ... either way you and I are going to have a conversation.

 I’m as big of a bully as you are. I am probably the original troll!! I am so full of hate and ugliness that I feel like it makes me stink. I feel like it’s affected my appearance and I’m starting to look that way. I’m gonna use that to make the only place I ever felt like I fit in safe for everyone. I’m going to try to help defend fandom and the people who live in it. I’m going to do it by sharing stories of people who have been sexually harassed or teased at comic shops. Stories of comics that didn’t sell because the protagonist wasn’t a blonde haired blue eyed Male I’m going to do it by shedding light on the real agenda i’m going to do it by sharing stories of people who have been sexually harassed or teased and comic shops. Stories of comics and fils that didn’t sell because the protagonist weren’t blonde haired blue eyed Males. Art That was subject to a organized and cohesive slander attacks by organizations who are fueled by the very type of political agenda they claim to be rallying against. 

“You have and agenda Marz”

You goddamn right I do!!

Everyone in fandom should be able to be a fan with No matter what’s between your legs. No matter what color their skin is, It certainly shouldn’t make a difference who you’re attracted to or how you identify yourself.  

Writers should feel free to write them selves or whoever they want. the Internet shops and theaters should be safe for everyone.

My name is Dr. troll hunter and I’m back.

There is a problem in fandom 

Change my mind.

Tell us your Story


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