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Patience. Love. Conversations Clicking the link above you will be able to see a beautiful story unfold. What starts as a mother accosting a non-binary model about her daughters wishes. Becomes what could very well be a virgin in friendship and a lesson in patients love and conversation.

Riot Games Pays Up It’s 2019.. almost 2020 I can’t Believe We are still fighting this battle. If you had asked me 100 years ago I would have thought = Pay Would be The easy one!

Something good


This is hart breaking. It’s important to put things in perspective you’re about to read a status update that has gone viral. It’s heartbreaking and honest and beautiful in it’s unabashed truth. The people in the drive-through Are  not bad guys they’re probably not full of hate. They are doing what most of us do as part of a larger Grander pattern of behaviors is called “survival mechanisms” i’m not letting him off the hook it was rude and inconsiderate and despite the fact they had no context to know what hurt their tone deaf statements would create... well it was a Dick move. For those you haven’t caught it a woman being treated for cancer went through a fast food drive-through to catch a coffee what she got was made fun of. Unaware that she was able to hear them in the drive-through employees paraded her address which was given to her by a woman at the location she was receiving her radiation. Her name is  marissa sowers This is what she wrote. “ Dear McDonald's worke

Ugh   A Even stranger thing

The World makes bad people. The World hurts good people

I don’t think  what I do is important. At least in The Sense I Don’t think it moves the Dial much, or at all.  If I’m being honest I do it a little bit for selfish reasons because I just can’t handle reading any more stories like this. This is it necessarily a fandom related thing, This is just a how ugly it is thing, how bad it really is out there. It’s not an easy read, however it’s important. So please Take some time give it a look Sophia Weaver, girl cyber-bullied for facial deformities, dies at age 10 Tell me your story. Dear Doctor Troll Hunter

Guitar gods and the small minded

How cool do you have to be To not be judged ? To not  have your artistic worth a signed by your sex, color, race or creed?  The answer is sadly, It doesn’t matter how cool you are because there is no one cooler on planet earth then Myra! Myra K-Rock. Is the Singer guitar player of The Evil Streaks! She’s amazing! she’s off the charts talented! she’s my hero! I’ve been told by a lot of people that Female musicians are judged exactly the way male musicians are in the wild. I never thought this was True! Let’s hear Myra’s story And judge for yourself... “ Being a female musician, I have seen a lot of judgment. And I have a lot to say!  Usually backhanded compliments that end with “for a girl” is pretty typical. I played in an all girl band and we were told numerous times that we were good for a girl band. I’m feel I’m usually judged on my appearance in my  current band than my male bandmates. I have seen other bands complain that my band gets noticed because there is a girl in i

Meet The New Boss.. same as The Old Boss.

 I don’t pretend to be a good guy or a good person. I think that’s what makes me the right person for this job .  What’s the job?   Showing the people who say there is no problem that there is indeed is a problem .  Fandom is full of bullies and people are in denial . There’s obviously a great deal of entitlement that comes with the fact that for multiple lifetimes our heroes have been white males. The folks who didn’t look like that were generally the Side and if they were lucky enough to make it on the comic cover or theater marque there was almost always a “And” before their name.   Everyone likes to see them self in their heroes and if you were a Caucasian male comics and    aoverall fantasy had plenty of mirrors for you .  In 2019 the world is much smaller then it was when I started my journey down the nerdy rabbit hole. our phones allow us to see news all the way on the other side of the world the Minute it happens, we can talk to anyone anywhere with just a