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Showing posts from January, 2022

The weather in your brain is frightful

Do your research Sheeple!! XOXOXOX  dr. troll hunter #JoeRogansWeatherForecast #blizard #kenan #bombogenesis #shovleingsnow #shovelIndustry #research  #2to4inchesofsnowperhour   

Walking 5 miles uphill in the snow and still having no clue

I’m consistently amazed that we live in a world that A subsection of our country is angry about the concept of not acknowledging some lost fella    “ discovered“ a Continent full of people All the while totally unable to acknowledge advancements in science and medicine And more on topic The realities of mental illness and the struggles of those who live with it. I suffer from severe depression. I Have my whole life. This was before a bunch of terrible years really knocked me for a loop and I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress syndrome.  Growing up stuff like this didn’t exist. You were lazy.  You would act out Outsiders would point to the inept raising or all out negligence of our parents. But no one ever thought there was a reason all this was happening. I’m not denying they are bad seeds. People who are mean because they enjoy being mean people who are lazy because they are just lazy. You can agree or disagree, and maybe I’m just wrong but I’m in a lot of folks and feel like I

Killing in the name of..

Killing in the name of  One would think in a game that is at least partially predicated on playing a hocking slasher and Choping your way through “survivors” would be plenty distraction for avid horror fan and basement dwelling cyber troll alike. Leave it to sick racist trolls to invent new ways to terrorize people who look different than them. Above is an article by the website “ for the win“ , It details the fact that “  Behaviour Interactive will remove specific cosmetics following widespread reports of racist harassment in  Dead By Daylight . “ (Jeepers creepers) I’ll be honest we’re in a weird place and before reading anything at all I was worried that this may be a case of the wrong people playing the wrong game. The world is very sensitive right now in my opinion rightfully so, but if I’m being honest I feel sometimes energy spent rallying against the wrong stuff. Maybe I’m just old but sometimes are is mean and not all are is for everybody and I have a legitimate fear that whil