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Showing posts from September, 2022


 “Of the powers, the only vote that matters Silence means security, silence means approval” - Michael stipe  In the last week few days I’ve been told, that by pointing out awful racist things that awful racist people are saying I’m just “feeding the Trolls” “ shining light on them just gives them power” First of all a problem never goes away by ignoring it. The theory of not confronting them is right in the fact that you’re bringing a BB gun to a battleship fight. No matter how eloquent you are, no matter how correct or well stated you’re not gonna change one of these monsters minds let alone a whole global herd of them. But I think they’re missing the point. The couple (see eight) people I’ve encountered This weekend.  It’s not about fighting them it’s about taking up for the people that are being discriminated against. It’s easy for me as a White 40 something-year-old person to think not defending hatred in fandom Isn’t important.. because it’s not aimed at me.  Buuuut.. …