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Showing posts from July, 2021

Savage Truths

  “I've never read a Harlequin romance. Harlequin romances aren't written for me and I have no interest in reading a Harlequin romance. That says nothing about the quality of Harlequin romances. They may be brilliant. They may be terrible. But they don't appeal to me based on my own preconceived notions of what they are. I'm not their target audience.  Some books are written for children. I was a fan of all things Marvel as a kid. But Spidey Super-Stories had simplified, minimalist stories aimed at young children and I never gave them a second glance.  Books can have target audiences. Stories can be written and drawn in a way where some people will take offense while others cherish it--and that's okay, provided there's enough of an audience to keep it going.  Raina Telgemeier writes and draws hugely popular comic books aimed at girls aged 8 - 12. That's a very narrow demographic, sure, but girls in that range eat that shit up. Would her books be MORE success